
The presence, density distribution, and mosaic regularity of cone types were studied in the retina of the diurnal agouti, Dasyprocta aguti. Longwave-sensitive (L-) and shortwave-sensitive (S-) cones were detected by antibodies against the respective cone opsins. L- and S-cones were found to represent around 90 and 10% of the cone population, respectively. There was no evidence for L- and S-opsin coexpression in agouti cones. L-cone densities were highest, up to 14,000/mm2, along a horizontal visual streak located about 2-3 mm dorsal to the optic nerve, and the L-cone distribution showed a dorsoventral asymmetry with higher densities in ventral (about 10,000/mm2) than in dorsal (about 4000/mm2) retinal regions. This L-cone topography parallels the agouti's ganglion cell topography. S-cones had a peak density of 1500-2000/mm2 in the central retinal region but did not form a visual streak. Their distribution also showed a dorsoventral asymmetry with densities around 600/mm2 in dorsal and around 1000/mm2 in ventral retinal regions. The patterning of cone arrays was assessed by the density recovery profile analysis. At all eccentricities evaluated, the S-cone mosaic less efficiently packed than the L-cone mosaic. Rod densities ranged from 47,000/mm2 in peripheral to 64,000/mm2 in central retina, and rod:cone ratios were 4:1-9:1. The comparatively low rod density and high cone proportion appear well adapted to the diurnal lifestyle of the agouti.

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