
Bibliometric analysis is helpful to determine the most influential studies in a specific field. A large number of publications in anaphylaxis have been published. However, no bibliometric analysis of anaphylaxis was conducted based on our known. The aim of this study is to identify the top 100 most cited articles in anaphylaxis and analyze their bibliometric characteristics. We searched in the Web of Science core database on November 20, 2021. Articles were listed in descending order by their total citations. Hence the top 100 most cited articles in anaphylaxis were identified and analyzed. Bibliometric indicators included: year of publication, total number of citations and average citations per year (ACY), journal of publication and impact factor (IF), countries, institutes, and authors, which were analyzed by Biblioshiny. Co-occurrence was used to visualize the classification and hotspots. The top 100 most cited articles were published between 1991 and 2017. The largest number of articles was published in a single interval in 2006–2008. Total citations of the 100 articles were between 155 and 1241 and were positively correlated with the number of articles published in each 3-year interval. The top100 articles were published in 34 different journals. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology published the most (n = 41). The corresponding authors of the top100 articles were from 13 different countries, mostly in North America and Europe. Statistical analysis revealed a positive correlation between total number of citations and ACY (r = 0.670, p < 0.01) and between total number of citations and IF (r = 0.219, p < 0.05), whereas a negative correlation between ACY and length of time since publication (r = − 0.697, p < 0.01). The research focuses were classified into three clusters: (1) the epidemiology and management. (2) the risk factor and treatment. (3) the assessment and diagnosis. COVID-19 vaccines, drug allergy and management were the recent major topics. This bibliometric analysis reveals the progress and hotspots of research in anaphylaxis, which may lay a foundation for further research.

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