
Recognizing the tools of soft war is just as important as the soft war itself. As soft war, nowadays, is the top weapon for the west and Zionists to conquer Islamic countries, recognizing the tools of soft war is of utmost priority. This study aims to recognize the tools of soft war in Nahj al-Balagha. This study is a kind of desk research and is written descriptively and analytically. According to Nahj al-Balagha's lessons, the human enemies in soft war are as follows: Satan, the party of evil, the astray and self (ego). Having scrutinized the priceless and invaluable book of Nahj al-Balagha, the tools and methods of each of these enemies in soft war are recognized. The tools and methods of Satan in soft war against humans are as follows: temptation, deception, ornamenting the sins, hidden penetrating through hearts, murmuring secrets through ears, giving false promises, and etc. the tools of the party of evil are: covering the truth and not letting people know of the truth, lying and accusation, rowdyism, hypocrisy, encouraging wrong deeds, face beauty, offering nice solutions for problems and making them unsolvable in action, encouraging disappointment, shedding crocodile tears, being obsequious to their colleagues, divulgence, inspiring hopelessness to reach their goals, and etc. these people are also the Satan's trap and tongue and are Satan's tool to reach Its goals. The methods and tools of the astray are as follows: divisive policies, insincerity, demurring, mixing right and wrong, heresy, using Quran to their own benefits, deceptive justification, circumvent and escaping to cover their own sins, and etc. The tools of inner enemy in soft war are: lasciviousness, autocracy, fear, obeying inefficient heads, negligence, not recognizing the hypocrites, being deceived by good record of people, disobeying Imam, and etc.

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