
The trAce Writing and Technology Research Project grew out of a small research project called CyberWriting that established in 1995 in the Department of English Media Studies at Nottingham Trent University. It rapidly made close links with arts organisations in Australia and America and operated almost exclusively on the internet, researching information about internet-based writing resources of all kinds including fiction, poetry, hypertexts, cyberculture theory, conferences, journals, and webzines. In May 1996 trAce launched its own website and quickly became a popular and useful resource for the dissemination of information about writers and writing on the net. In 1997 it received a substantial grant from the Arts Council of England Lottery Fund and has continued to grow to the present day. This paper gives an account of the first five years of trAce, 1995-2000, and looks to the future from the vantage point of 2005.

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