
This article presents the results of the excavation of a newly discovered tomb (no. 5) in Bir elShaghala, a necropolis located in the Dakhla Oasis. It belongs to Petophois, Padiwepwaut, who was one of the most important members of the elite society of Mothis (Mut). The superstructure of the tomb has two chambers and a rectangular hall leads to the pyramid chamber, which is the most prominent element of the superstructure of the tomb complex. These three architectural units functioned as a funerary floor for the tomb’s visitors. The subterranean structure consists of a rectangular antechamber with a vaulted ceiling and the burial chamber. The tomb has a small shaft in the vaulted ceiling of the burial chamber connected with a long tube passing through the southern subterranean structure and terminating in another shaft in the outside face of the south wall. Most decorations and texts cast light on the 24th, 25th and 26th days of the Osirian Khoiak Festival, with the tomb owner and his family standing in the attitude of adoration in front of Sokar-Osiris and Osiris. The approximate dating is to the Roman period, possibly to the reign of Trajan.

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