
Abstract Pre–during–post lockdown waves, or how COVID-19 catalysed a change in practical chemistry instruction. This time-lined slogan reflects the University of Southampton’s response to recent imperatives in chemistry education. During the pandemic students had limited access to laboratory training. However, laboratory time has always been precious, and educators constantly have to rethink their approach to lab classes; how to best assess practical learning goals and focus students’ attention on the practical aspects during timetabled – and therefore time-limited – lab classes. The pre–during–post pandemic phases also govern the teaching split of our typical laboratory instruction, and the development during the three phases will be discussed. This article describes the evolution of the University of Southampton’s laboratory training, how resources changed, how in-laboratory student participation improved, how the pandemic influenced the scheduling of teaching activities and informed a development of our assessment strategy. It considers where the rethinking process has led to so far while acknowledging that the current laboratory course is not the end of the process but an interim position, subject to future improvements.

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