
As a nutrition educator, and as a parent of three children, I was heartened by Michelle Obama's commitment to address childhood obesity through her “Let's Move” initiative announced February 9, 2010. It is exciting to have her as a spokeswoman and change agent, particularly because one of her four “key pillars” directly relates to the work so many of us do: “Getting parents more informed about nutrition and exercise.” The First Lady has put nutrition education on the map and has made it a national priority. And she is not alone—President Obama supports her goals and has proposed an increase in funding for the Child Nutrition Act. SNE encourages Congress to provide adequate resources to the Team Nutrition Network, the primary federal funding source for nutrition education and promotion. Michelle Obama, like SNE, recognizes the need for local governments and communities to create a “tailored approach” to getting their citizens healthier based on the particular challenges they face. To that end, SNE has been involved in the development and advocacy of not only the Nutrition and Wellness Network legislative proposals, but also legislation to strengthen local school wellness policies. SNE's Advisory Committee on Public Policy (ACPP) has joined with other organizations in developing a broad base of support for such legislation. If additional funding is provided for nutrition education this year, nutrition educators need to design evaluation programs that demonstrate the education's effectiveness, or funding will not be maintained in future years. Although nutrition education alone will not achieve Michelle Obama's goal to “solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation,” it is a crucial component. Research shows that lasting dietary changes are achieved with any number of innovative nutrition education and promotion programs and activities. As nutrition educators, community members, leaders, and advocates, we need to work with local school wellness committees, health departments, and policy makers through SNE's ACPP to ensure that high quality nutrition education is provided to our children.

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