
As China consolidates its position as one of the most important trade players in the international market, arbitration has become an attractive alternative to litigation in commercial disputes between Chinese companies and their foreign trade partners. The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985, with amendments as adopted in 2006, represents the accepted international legislative standard for a modern arbitration law. In order to make China an attractive seat for international commercial arbitration and enhance the efficiency of the arbitration system for the benefit of commercial parties, whether Chinese or foreign, it is important for China to consider adopting the UNCITRAL Model Law. This article provides an overview of the UNCITRAL Model Law and its positive impact on the development of arbitration in several jurisdictions worldwide. Next, the benefits of legal reform are highlighted through a contrast between China’s current Arbitration Law and the UNCITRAL Model Law. Finally, this article lays out a procedural roadmap through which China’s legal framework may be amended to incorporate the UNCITRAL Model Law.

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