
The time during which β-ecdysone is required for the apolysis and imaginal differentiation of wing discs of Drosophila both in vitro and in situ has been examined, and it is concluded that β-ecdysone is required as a sustained stimulus rather than as a trigger for differentiation. These results are compared with the requirement for β-ecdysone for the puffing of salivary gland polytene chromosomes during the prepupal stage (Richards, G. P., 1976, Develop. Biol. 48, 191–195). It is suggested that imaginal discs and larval salivary glands require different exposures to β-ecdysone to fulfill their developmental commitments and that the drop in β-ecdysone titer during the early prepupal stage, which is necessary for the subsequent puffing of the polytene chromosomes, plays little or no part in imaginal disc differentiation.

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