
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. Barack Obama, “Remarks by the President to the Joint Session of the Indian Parliament in New Delhi, India” (speech, New Delhi, November 8, 2010), http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/11/08/remarks-president-joint-session-indian-parliament-new-delhi-india. 2. Among others, President Barack Obama has employed the term “natural allies.” See Kevin Whitelaw, “Obama: U.S., India ‘Natural Allies’ in 21st Century,” National Public Radio, November 24, 2009, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120712790. 3. Remarks by Ambassador Rajendra Abhyankar, German Marshall Legatum Institue Fund India Forum II, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2, 2010. 4. Robert Blackwill, “A New Deal for New Delhi,” Wall Street Journal, March 21, 2005, http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/1403/new_deal_for_new_delhi.html. 5. Manmohan Singh, “PM's Speech at India Today Conclave” (speech, New Delhi, February 25, 2005), http://www.pmindia.nic.in/speech/content.asp?id=78. 6. C. Raja Mohan, “Balancing Interests and Values: India's Struggle with Democracy Promotion,” The Washington Quarterly 30, no. 3 (Summer 2007): p. 99, http://twq.com/07summer/docs/07summer_mohan.pdf. 7. This was the theme of India's much-noted marketing campaign at Davos in 2006. See, for instance, Fareed Zakaria, “India Rising,” Newsweek, March 6, 2006, http://www.newsweek.com/2006/03/05/india-rising.html. 8. Shyam Saran, “India and Its Neighbors” (speech, India International Center, New Delhi, February 14, 2005), http://meaindia.nic.in/mystart.php?id=53019013. 9. U.S. Department of State, “U.S.–India Global Democracy Initiative,” Washington, DC, July 18, 2005, http://www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/fs/2005/49722.htm. 10. The White House, “Joint Statement between Prime Minister Dr. Singh and President Obama,” Washington, DC, November 24, 2009, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/joint-statement-between-prime-minister-dr-singh-and-president-obama. 11. The White House, “Joint Statement by President Obama and Prime Minister Singh of India,” New Delhi, November 8, 2010, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/11/08/joint-statement-president-obama-and-prime-minister-singh-india. 12. Cited in Sandeep Dikishit, “India Can Help Build Democracy in Arab World,” The Hindu, February 27, 2011, http://www.thehindu.com/2011/02/27/stories/2011022765391700.htm. 13. For further analysis on the possibilities for Indo–U.S. convergence on these issues, see Daniel Twining, “India's Relations with Iran and Myanmar: ‘Rogue State’ or Responsible Democratic Stakeholder?” India Review 7, no. 1 (January 2008): pp. 1-37. 14. Nilova Roy Chaudhury, “India Maps its Equation with the World,” Hindustan Times, October 20, 2006, http://www.hindustantimes.com/News-Feed/nm18/India-maps-its-equation-with-the-world/Article1-164069.aspx. 15. Obama–Singh Joint Statement, November 8, 2010. 16. The authors are grateful to Lorne Craner for this formulation. 17. Indian Ministry of External Affairs, “India-U.S. Joint Statement,” New Delhi, July 20, 2009, http://www.indianembassy.org/prdetail488/download_file.php?action=download&mainfolder=form_files/&filename=Form_Pdf_29.pdf. 18. Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Remarks on Internet Freedom” (speech, Washington, D.C., January 21, 2010), http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/01/135519.htm. 19. A New Engagement,” The Times of India, February 28, 2011, http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-02-28/edit-page/28641277_1_gulf-countries-soft-power-gulf-states. 20. Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Remarks on Regional Architecture in Asia: Principles and Priorities” (speech, Honolulu, January 12, 2010), http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/01/135090.htm. 21. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, “Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation between Japan and India,” Tokyo, October 22, 2008, http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/india/pmv0810/joint_d.html. Additional informationNotes on contributorsDaniel TwiningDaniel Twining is Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Previously handled South Asia policy at the U.S. Department of State and served as Senator John McCain's foreign policy adviser in the U.S. SenateRichard FontaineRichard Fontaine is Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. Previously handled South Asia policy at the U.S. Department of State and served as Senator John McCain's foreign policy adviser in the U.S. Senate

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