
ONCE THERE WAS A KING who reigned peacefully over a flourishing Kingdom, but he was so morbidly afraid of death that nothing could ease his spirit. His preoccupation was so great, in fact, that he took his food and drink grudgingly and was often oblivious to the words of others. When he laboured in council, he did so as one whose thoughts were always elsewhere. And the darkness of his nights were crossed by cold pale bands of waking, during which times the terrified King lay in his bed, counting his heartbeats. Knowing that every step he took carried him nearer to his end, he hardly ventured forth from his chamber. And during his long vigils, he began to think of Death as another Empire, the shadow of his own; he pictured it as an awesome Kingdom?one that he was destined to visit one day when his time upon this earth ran out. His Queen, who was a grave, lovely woman, with a gift for pacifying birds and dogs, could do nothing for her Master. She, better than most, understood how the King spent his hours. He was so fearful he often seemed to her more of a demon than a man?one of those trolls whose

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