
We analyze the consequences of models of structure formation for higher-order ($n$-point) galaxy correlation functions in the mildly non-linear regime. Several variations of the standard $\Omega=1$ cold dark matter model with scale-invariant primordial perturbations have recently been introduced to obtain more power on large scales, 20 h$^{-1}$ Mpc, e.g., low-matter-density (non-zero cosmological constant) models, `tilted' primordial spectra, and scenarios with a mixture of cold and hot dark matter. They also include models with an effective scale-dependent bias, such as the cooperative galaxy formation scenario of Bower, etal. (1993). We show that higher-order galaxy correlation functions can provide a useful test of such models and can discriminate between models with true large-scale power in the density field and those where the galaxy power arises from scale-dependent bias: a bias with rapid scale-dependence leads to a dramatic decrease of the hierarchical amplitudes at large scales. Current observational constraints on the three-point amplitudes $Q_3$ and $S_3$ can place limits on the bias parameter(s) and appear to disfavor, but not yet rule out, the hypothesis that scale-dependent bias is responsible for the extra power observed on large scales.

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