
Leang Bulu Sipong I Pangkep Regency is one of the prehistoric caves in the Maros-Pangkep karst area of South Sulawesi Province, which contains remnants of past human culture. One of the archaeological remains is the cave paintings. Prehistoric cave locations that are very close to the cement (factory) industry caused concern about the cave threats. This paper aims to provide an overview of the remains of paintings in Leang Bulu Sipong I and the existing conditions of the paintings. In addition, this paper also illustrates the monitoring efforts that have been carried out by the authorities in the preservation of prehistoric caves in the Maros-Pangkep area. The method used is descriptive-analytic through the stages of desktop study and field observation. The results showed that Leang Bulu Sipong I Pangkep had varied and interesting cave paintings consisting of handstamp, fauna painting, and human-like paintings with hunting scenes, but unfortunately, the condition of the painting is currently experiencing peeling which is quite alarming. The efforts that have been made related to maintaining sustainability are periodic monitoring and cave closure for general visitors.

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