
We document external and internal thoracic structures of the free-living pselaphine beetle Pselaphus heisei (Pselaphitae) using a set of traditional and modern techniques. Like in the specialized myrmecophile Claviger testaceus (Clavigeritae), the skeletal elements of the pro- and pterothorax are highly compact, with largely reduced inter- and intrasegmental sutures. Features previously listed as synapomorphies of staphylinid subgroups, to which Pselaphinae belong, are confirmed for P. heisei. The only previously proposed thoracic synapomorphy of Pselaphinae, the mesoventral foveae, is likely transformed in P. heisei: we assume that the concavities are directed mesad and internally fused, thus forming a broad channel ("perforation") extending through the keel-like median region of the mesoventrite. The prothoracic foveal system is strongly reduced, with only one pair of pits present in front of the procoxae. Their internal invaginations form a transverse ventral endoskeletal bar that stabilizes the prothorax. The condition observed in the free-living P. heisei is in contrast with previous hypotheses linking the reduction of the foveal system with myrmecophily. Moreover, traces of the mesoventral foveae are even preserved in the highly specialized inquiline C. testaceus. Gland cells are associated with areas of hyaline squamose setae on different body regions, suggesting release of secretions on the ventral side of the head, pro- and mesothorax, and abdominal base. Similar specialized setal patches are common in Pselaphini and related groups within Pselaphitae. The prothoracic musculature in P. heisei is more complex than that in the myrmecophilous C. testaceus and the free-living, unspecialized Creophilus maxillosus (Staphylininae). The metathoracic muscle system is strongly simplified, demonstrating that P. heisei cannot fly, even though wings, some skeletal elements of the flight apparatus, and some small direct flight muscles are preserved. It cannot be fully excluded that indirect flight muscles and thus a functional flight apparatus is preserved in a certain percentage of individuals.

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