
The following report is offered as an overview of the Third Conference of the TSzai Shukyo Koryu Gakkai, the Japan Chapter of the East-West Religions Project, held inJuly of 1984 at the Kansai Seminar House in Kyoto. OnJuly 23 Gishin Tokiwa reported on progress in the Theological Encounter on Suffering initiated at the Hawaii Conference on East-West Religions in Encounter held in Hawaii earlier that year. That same day and the following, Seiichi Yagi addressed the assembly on the theme and drawing from his recent book, Paul and Shinran, Jesus and Zen (Kyoto: Hojokan, 1983). The ensuing discussions were carried over to the third day. The fuller report on which these pages are based appeared in the April-May issue of Daijozen whose editor, Ryomin Akizuki, is a member of the Japan Chapter. The translation was made from Professor Masaaki Honda's abridgement of the complete text. The participants cited are: Akizuki, Ry6min Rinzai Zen, Professor Emeritus of Saitama Medical University Augustine, Morris Catholic, Professor of Kansai University Bando, Shojun Jodo Shinshu, formerly Professor of Otani University Doi, Masatoshi Protestant, Professor Emeritus of Doshisha University President ofJapan Chapter of E.W.R.P. Honda, Masaaki Catholic, Professor of University of Occupational and Environmental Health

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