
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the development of the Third Age Universities (U3As) system as realization of the lifelong learning strategy in the rapid aging world. The U3As are spreading widely around the world, and has a huge perspective and demand in Ukraine, considering that, according to a WHO study, Ukraine ranks first in the world in the prevalence of depression among people including seniors. It is noted that creating of the Third Age Universities is based on the concept of active ageing that is helping people stay in charge of their own lives for as long as possible as they age and, where possible, to contribute to the economy and society; it is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security for the elderly. «Active» means continuing participation in social, economic, cultural, spiritual and civic affairs, not just physically activeness or participation in the labour force. The article outlines that the U3As are important to eliminate loneliness prevent isolation and falling into a depression for the elderly, to improve their quality of life. The latest includes socio-economic side that is primarily the material conditions of life, standards of health and social services, participating in cultural and social life of the community (museums, universities, libraries, and sports) and educational opportunities; the second side is psychological conceptualization of quality of life that is some individual view to satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life. The author analyses the dominant U3A models adopted, the French and British approaches. The original French model required U3As to be associated with traditional university systems; in contrast the British model is largely of a self-help kind with little or no support from external sources. Analysis of the world practice has shown that the development of U3As depends largely on governments and public institutions at the national, regional and local levels ensuring the sustainability of the U3As. This work has three dimensions that have proved their effective results: the law and regulations for elderly education, financial injection for elderly education from the government, implementation of the efficient management and coordination means.
 Key words: lifelong learning; the Third Age University; seniors; the elderly; active ageing; adult education.

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