
In this article, I analyse the ‘thick description’ notion developed by Clifford Geertz to explore its scope and limitations. It is not my intention to refute or consider invalid the approach developed by Clifford Geertz; on the contrary, it is on his basis that I propose some corrections that are loose in his epistemological system. Some of his notions can be clarified, and others are wrong. I will discuss his (i) ontology, (ii) individualistic method, (iii) arbitrary notion of truth and (iv) the development of what a ‘thick description is’. To analyse this concept in detail, I evaluate how it is operationalised in some of the author's texts. The analysis shows its limited explanatory capacity due to its idealistic approach to the concept of culture, which overlooks other approaches in anthropology. Finally, I conceptualise thick description by adding materialistic properties to it.

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