
In order to investigate mass transport and planet formation through gravitational instabilities (GIs), we have extended our three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of protoplanetary disks from a previous paper. Our goal is to determine the asymptotic behavior of GIs and how it is affected by different constant cooling times. Initially, Rdisk = 40 AU, Mdisk = 0.07 M☉, M* = 0.5 M☉, and Qmin = 1.5. Sustained cooling, with tcool = 2 ORPs (outer rotation periods; 1 ORP ≈ 250 yr), drives the disk to instability in about 4 ORPs. This calculation is followed for 23.5 ORPs. After 12 ORPs, the disk settles into a quasi-steady state with sustained nonlinear instabilities, an average Q = 1.44 over the outer disk, a well-defined power law Σ(r), and a roughly steady ≈ 5 × 10-7 M☉ yr-1. The transport is driven by global low-order spiral modes. We restart the calculation at 11.2 ORPs with tcool = 1 and ORPs. The latter case is also run at high azimuthal resolution. We find that shorter cooling times lead to increased -values, denser and thinner spiral structures, and more violent dynamic behavior. The asymptotic total internal energy and the azimuthally averaged Q(r) are insensitive to tcool. Fragmentation occurs only in the high-resolution tcool = ORP case; however, none of the fragments survive for even a quarter of an orbit. Ringlike density enhancements appear and grow near the boundary between GI-active and GI-inactive regions. We discuss the possible implications of these rings for gas giant planet formation.

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