
Metabolic syndrome (syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome) is a complex of metabolic disturbances that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Entity includes: dyslipidemia (altered lipid profile, with increasing levels of serum triglycerides and low serum levels of HDL-cholesterol, which promotes the development of atherosclerosis), high blood sugar (diabetes type II) or increased insulin resistance, hypertension, abdominal obesity syndrome, proinflammatory, prothrombotic syndrome. In the last 20 years, there was a continuous increase in individuals suffering from this syndrome, the cause remains unknown, but several studies also claim that it is a complex interaction between genetic, metabolic and environmental factors. Of environmental factors, diet low in micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium seems to be an essential contributor element (Feldsein et al, 2007, Cidalia Pereira et al, 2011). Decreased intake of sodium and increased intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium, proposed by Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH diet (Van Leer et al 1995, Meigl et al 2008) leads to optimized blood pressure. Even in the absence of increased sodium intake, low levels of magnesium in the blood and cells can induce in some conditions, hypertension, diabetes, insulin resistance or completely metabolic syndrom. Among the methods proposed to correct dietary intake of micronutrients, natural mineral water, often very complex in terms of chemical composition and versatile in terms of the intended effect is one handy, safe and simple. Although used in order to preserve the health from ancient times, scientific studies proving natural mineral water effects on the human body takes place only since the twentieth century. Carbonated mineral waters are the result of deep water filtering through volcanic soils, which contain CO2, carbon dioxide, thus obtained, will help dissolve other elements contained in the soil layers through which water, like calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, chlorides, ATC bromides, so finally carbonated water will have a complex and varied composition. Introduction Borsec is an old resort with numerous mineral springs. Legend says that the water was known to the Romans time. The beneficial effect of water on health is described in documents from the second half of the sixteenth century. Organized exploitation and use began in the nineteenth century, paradoxically the first widely appreciated abroad. Mineral waters received the medal of the Vienna International Fair (1873), Borsec water is called "Queen of Mineral Waters," silver medal and Diploma of Honor at exhibitions held in 1876 in Berlin and Trieste, Diploma of Honor at Paris. First installations and spa establishments in primitive form, were built in the eighth century. The resort is recognized as such in 1804. Formalizing the spa tourism in 1918. He received the rank of spa town in 1953. Before World War II, in Borsec operate an establishment specially created spa water sparkling in the cure external application (baths) for patients with cardiovascular distress after methods developed by the French doctors and law raised at all by doctors resort German Bad Nauheim. By heating mineral water, it gets 3 CO2 concentrations: 0.5 g / l, 1 g / l and 1.5 g / l It can thus apply balnetherapy, which allowed progressive lowering blood pressure in some patients, carefully selected. Research on a total of over 1,100 patients were presented by Dr. John V Borgovan and colleagues at the International Congress of Balneology in Belgrade in 1937. Spa establishment was destroyed during the Second World War. Were built in the years following new establishments, but the concentration obtained in carbonated water bath was just the maximum of 1.6 g CO2 / l. In terms of studies and research on natural cure factors of Borsec resort, in the last century there have been three periods of intense study, which followed the physicochemical properties and tried to establish their indications and contraindications cure: During "20 -" 30, before the Second World War (the effect on gastric secretion and motility, effect on diuresis, effect on bile secretion, effect on resting metabolism, effect on blood calcium levels, the effect on cholesterol and uric acid on glucose)

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