
This study discusses an interactive model that integrates behaviour theory with ethical theory to determine individual behaviour towards digital piracy. This study uses a quantitative approach by testing assumptions using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) assisted using the AMOS 4.0 application program. The results showed that the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the theory of marketing ethics (HV theory) could be used to predict the intention to commit digital piracy. Digital piracy intentions are not influenced by TPB's arbitrary rules, while digital piracy expectations and behaviour management significantly impact digital piracy intentions. Moral obligations and perceived benefits directly influence digital piracy. Moral obligation has clear negative effects, whereas perceived benefits positively impact piracy. Moral obligation hurts subjective value. Meanwhile, the perceived dangers often undermine individual attitudes towards digital piracy. The benefits people experience influence attitudes to digital piracy. This habit has had a dramatic and positive impact on digital piracy.

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