
The advances in Internet and computer technology offer many solutions that can enhance surgical education and increase the effectiveness of surgical teaching. E-learning plays an important role in surgical education today, with many e-learning projects already available on the Internet. E-learning is based on a mixture of educational theories that derive from behaviorist, cognitivist, and constructivist educational theoretical frameworks. CAN EDUCATIONAL THEORY IMPROVE E-LEARNING?: Conventional educational theory can be applied to improve the quality and effectiveness of e-learning. The theory of "threshold concepts" and educational theories on reflection, motivation, and communities of practice can be applied when designing e-learning material. E-LEARNING IN SURGICAL EDUCATION: E-learning has many advantages but also has weaknesses. Studies have shown that e-learning is an effective teaching method that offers high levels of learner satisfaction. Instead of trying to compare e-learning with traditional methods of teaching, it is better to integrate in e-learning elements of traditional teaching that have been proven to be effective. E-learning can play an important role in surgical education as a blended approach, combined with more traditional methods of teaching, which offer better face-to-interaction with patients and colleagues in different circumstances and hands on practice of practical skills. National provision of e-learning can make evaluation easier. The correct utilization of Internet and computer resources combined with the application of valid conventional educational theory to design e-learning relevant to the various levels of surgical training can be effective in the training of future surgeons.

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