
The ecological-economic strategy of use and protection of remediated land was developed. It consists of four main interconnected stages: preparatory, agrotechnical, agroecological and economic. The preparatory phase ensures that the top layer of arable cultivation of waste land through the introduction of career-technical and chemical meliorations, depending on which branch of the economy continue to be used in this area. It was during this time where money is being spent to conduct geotechnical work associated with the remediation of internal and external dump pits. The agrotechnical phase provides optimization of the properties of ecotopia as the habitat of plants. During this phase, funds are spent on the application of organic (norm not less than 50 t/ha manure), organic-mineral and mineral (about 80 kg/ha d. g) fertilizers. In this case, improved physico-chemical properties of remediated land, increases the level of their fertility, which is reflected in the number of products received. Agroecological stage forms the ecotopia suitability for use in agricultural production. This stage contains the effect and aftereffect of all previous measures aimed at amelioration of the restored lands. During this phase, special attention is paid to the final layout of the surface of the field and introduction of special phyto-reclamation rotations, saturated of perennial leguminous herbs or their mixtures with other herbs, including legumes and does not. For each plot must be restored designing her the only acceptable rotation, the ratio and selection of plant species which should be oriented not only at obtaining a stable, high-quality products, but also on the formation of appropriate environmental conditions that ensure the optimal development of all components of biogeocenosis and their protection. The economic stage is what defines the economic sector, the most appropriate future use of remediated lands. On the basis of long-term monitoring researches, within each region, the methodological guidance and practical recommendations for the rational foundations of socio-ecological and economic use of the reclaimed lands in agricultural production are developed. It is determined the payback period of all costs incurred during reclamation of the site and the territory in general. On the basis of these stages it is proved a strategic direction for the creation and implementation of the dump pits of the mining enterp rises of the steppe Dnieper eight basic models of land restoration. The big attention is paid to the biological stage of recultivation, which is based on the analysis and the account of economical, business and physical – geographical features of a place of mining operations. In this paper it is resulted the list of the basic rocks of Nikopol manganese – ore field from which artificial lands (edaphotopes) are created and the prospective branch of their further use is underlined. The priority trend is taken away to an agricultural production. And, to recultivated plots should be given such possibilities which would allow them to perform the same functions what they realized before destruction of this locality. Methodical development works are offered relative to: price definitions of humus layer before destruction of soil and cost 1 м3 of the restored soil covering; expenses on renewal of productive potential of recultivated lands; definitions of the gross revenue and quantity of production from recultivated lands. Also it is affirmed, that recultivated lands should receive not only economic, but also ecological estimation as this indicator reflects the ecological conditions in the given district and has the big social value. The term «Factor of the ecological well-being» districts and its gradation is entered, allowing to define the period of recoupment of expenses on recultivation of land taking into account the ecological and economical efficiency of the restored area.


  • The ecological-economic strategy of use and protection of remediated land was developed

  • The preparatory phase ensures that the top layer of arable cultivation of waste land through the introduction of career-technical and chemical meliorations, depending on which branch of the economy continue to be used in this area

  • It was during this time where money is being spent to conduct geotechnical work associated with the remediation of internal and external dump pits

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The ecological-economic strategy of use and protection of remediated land was developed. On the basis of long-term monitoring researches, within each region, the methodological guidance and practical recommendations for the rational foundations of socio-ecological and economic use of the reclaimed lands in agricultural production are developed. The term «Factor of the ecological well-being» districts and its gradation is entered, allowing to define the period of recoupment of expenses on recultivation of land taking into account the ecological and economical efficiency of the restored area.

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