
Soviet heritage in Ukraine is not only monuments to Lenin and cultural stereotypes, but also infrastructure and industry. The fact that Ukraine is still a space state is also a Soviet legacy. It is obvious that the complexity and ambiguity of the Soviet past should call for more reflections on various topics related to the USSR. For example, in studies of the "Soviet" period, the modernization approach is practically not used, many topics remain outside the attention of researchers, the main focus is only on negative experiences (repressions, Holodomor, Russification). This is often a criticism not only of the Bolsheviks, but actually of the entire leftist idea and a kind of negative discrediting advance for future leftist organizations and parties in Ukraine. In addition, "Soviet" is often evaluated as something static, non-dynamic, purely negative. But the Soviet Ukraine of Kaganovich and Kosior is not the Soviet Ukraine of Shelest and Shcherbytskyi. There were changes in the average life expectancy of citizens of the republic and the structure of the family. At the same time, the process of Russification of the population intensified, one of the greatest man-made disasters in the history of mankind occurred, and the oppression of dissidents continued.

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