
Approximately 90% of the 7000 species of plants has a medicinal properties are found in Indonesia, one of them is dewa leaf (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC). Bioactive compounds contained in extracts of dewa leaf has a function in healing various diseases of humans, such as to reduce levels of sugar blood, B hepatitis, skin medications, anti-tumor or anti-cancer. To grow and produce bioactive materials, dewa leaf cultivation aspects required a specific treatments or conditions. One important factor that must be considered in the cultivation was fertilization. The aims of this research was to study the growth and bioactive compounds of Dewa leaf as a potential medicinal plants that cultivated with various doses of chicken manure. The research was conducted at the Biofarmaka experimental station, Bogor Agricultural University. Chlorophyll analysis at Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory and post-harvest handling at the Post Harvest Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. The experiments were analyzed using a randomized block design, the first factor was the dose of chicken manure with three levels i.e. 0g polybag-1 (control), 500g polybag-1 and 1000g of polybag-1. The experiment used four replications. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance with SAS 9.1.3, if significantly different continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test at 5% level. The results showed that fertilizer treatment of 1000g of chicken manure has the highest average at the diameter of the canopy (4 and 5 Weeks After Treatment) and plant height (4 WAT) compared to fertilizer treatment of 500g of chicken manure or without the addition of chicken manure. However, it was not significantly different at variables of number of tillers, dry and wet weight and tuber crops, as well as the photosynthetic pigments variables (chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B, and carotenoids).

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