
Abstract This paper presents the results of an acceptance test on one of the largest stokers in operation at the present time. The main purpose of the paper, however, is to illustrate the procedures developed for measuring those losses which are commonly allowed to appear in the unaccounted-for item of the energy balance. These losses are the hydrogen and hydrocarbon losses, and the carbon-monoxide loss which is in excess of that indicated by the conventional type of Orsat apparatus. Usually, part of the cinder loss appears in the “unaccounted-for” because it is seldom determined with the accuracy which the magnitude of this loss as determined from the method described would seem to warrant. The completeness with which the losses in the present test have been measured is evident from the low value obtained for the radiation and unaccounted-for item of the energy balance. A high rate of combustion (75 lb per hr per sq ft) was carried for 48 hr at an efficiency of 77 per cent. The superheater produced approximately constant steam temperature over the full range of loads.

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