
The MacCodrum Formation is a classical “lower” Cambrian unit in southeastern Cape Breton Island stratigraphy, described since the 1800s. The age of this formation and its correlation with other Avalonian Cambrian units in eastern Newfoundland and southern New Brunswick have remained uncertain through numerous revisions. Here we present U-Pb CA-TIMS ages from an ash bed in the basal part of the MacCodrum Formation in its type-section on MacCodrum Brook that fix the maximum time of deposition at 531.86 ± 0.34 Ma. Organic-walled microfossils sampled throughout the MacCodrum Formation type-section yield acritarch taxa identifying the Asteridium– Comasphaerdium Zone, whereas the first acritarchs of the Skiagia– Fimbriaglomerella Zone appear in the overlying Canoe Brook Formation in other sections. The radiometric age and acritarch zonation place the MacCodrum Formation in the upper Fortunian, Cambrian Stage 2. Among trace fossils in the MacCodrum Formation, the meandering trace fossil Didymaulichnus dailyi comb. nov. is of particular note and morphologically identical to the type material from the lower part of the Ratcliffe Brook Formation in New Brunswick. The new radiometric and biostratigraphic data presented here provide the first firm constraints on the age of the MacCodrum Formation and enable more precise correlation with sections in southern New Brunswick and eastern Newfoundland.

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