
Several mid-late Holocene Glacier Peak tephras along with Mazama and Mount St. Helens Wn and P tephras were found in cores from Cooley and Rockslide lakes in southeastern British Columbia, ∼300 km northeast of Glacier Peak. The sediments in Cooley Lake host the late Holocene Glacier Peak A tephra (2010 calibrated (cal) years BP), four separate Glacier Peak Dusty Creek (GPDC) tephras (5780–5830 cal years BP), and a Glacier Peak set D tephra (6060 cal years BP). This is the first report of Glacier Peak A and D tephras in British Columbia. The A tephra has been correlated on the basis of glass composition and age to a late Holocene Glacier Peak tephra in the sediments of Big Twin Lake, 75 km northeast of Glacier Peak. The glasses in the four GPDC tephra layers from Cooley Lake are compositionally indistinguishable from those in Mount Barr Cirque and Frozen lakes in southwestern British Columbia. The layers likely represent four eruptions taking place over 50 years. Although set D tephra has not been correlated to a known proximal or distal deposit, its glass bears the Glacier Peak glass compositional signature and its interpolated age corresponds to the initiation of the set D eruptive period. The presence of GPDC tephra in lake sediments across southern British Columbia suggests a broad plume trajectory to the north and northeast, whereas the apparent absence of the A and D tephras in all but Cooley Lake suggest plumes with a northeasterly direction.

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