
The tentorium, the anterior sulci of the head capsule (epistomal, subgenal, subantennal, circumantennal, and circumocular sulci), and the extension of the anterior tentorial pit were studied in 26 species of Blattaria (representing most principal lineages), 4 species of Mantodea (including the basal Mantoida schraderi), and 1 species each of Isoptera (the basal Mastotermes darwiniensis) and Mantophasmatodea ( Austrophasma caledonense). The morphology of these head structures is compared with literature data on other insect orders, mainly Phasmatodea, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Embioptera, and Plecoptera, and partly Odonata and Zygentoma. Characters are defined, presented in a matrix, and evaluated with regard to phylogenetic implications and homoplastic evolution. The structural relationships of the subantennal sulcus to the subgenal, circumocular, and circumantennal sulci, which are highly variable and strongly homoplastic (depending much on the size of the compound eyes) are a focal issue; several types of subantennal sulci are defined. The presence of an anterior transverse bridge in the tentorium (“perforated tentorium”) of all Dictyoptera here studied confirms the monophyly of this group. Mantophasmatodea lacks this element.

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