
We discuss the impact of the determination of the nucleon tensor charge on searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model. We also comment on the future extraction of the subleading-twist PDF e(x) from Jefferson Lab soon-to-be-released Beam Spin Asymmetry data as well as from the expected data of CLAS12 and SoLID, as the latter is related to the scalar charge. These analyses are possible through the phenomenology of Dihadron Fragmentation Functions related processes, which we report on here as well.


  • We discuss some properties of the nucleons that are of interest for both hadronic physics and physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM): their tensor and the scalar charges

  • Combining the parametrization obtained for Dihadron Fragmentation Functions (DiFF) to HERMES and COMPASS data on dihadron Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) off transversly polarized target allowed for the extraction of the last leading-twist PDF, i.e. the transversity PDF [2,3,4]

  • The evaluation of the scalar charge represents a challenge for the hadronic physics community but an opportunity to experimentally explore the consequence of chiral symmetry on the one hand

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We discuss some properties of the nucleons that are of interest for both hadronic physics and physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM): their tensor and the scalar charges. Both can, in principle, be accessed through the phenomeology of Parton Distribution Functions. In principle, be accessed through the phenomeology of Parton Distribution Functions The latter are related to the charges via specific sum rules. Due to their chiral-odd nature, the respective parton distributions are involved in processes together with another non-perturbative chiral-odd partner. We further discuss the future of dihadron data and their impact on physics BSM

The Dihadron Way to Distribution Functions
Hadron phenomenology and BSM
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