
The Sprague Dawley myelin mutant, the taiep rat, demonstrates a defect in CNS myelination which worsens with age and which is associated with abnormal accumulations of microtubules in oligodendrocytes. Quantitative and qualitative electron microscopic studies of myelin development and oligodendrocyte morphology were used to describe the temporal development of the defect in this mutant, in three regions of the CNS. The results indicate that the time of onset of myelination is similar in mutant and control rats, however the amount of myelin formed is reduced in the mutant, compared to controls, and there is a loss of myelin from the taiep CNS as the animals age. Thus the myelination defect in taiep has features of both hypomyelination and demyelination. Oligodendrocyte microtubule abnormalities were noted in each region of the taiep CNS at the time of onset of myelination. The earliest changes seen were close associations of oligodendrocyte microtubules with endoplasmic reticulum, with marked accumulations of microtubules filling the cytoplasm of oligodendrocytes from older taiep rats. These findings suggest that the microtubule abnormality in the taiep mutant inhibits both the initial formation and the long-term maintenance of myelin by the oligodendrocyte. In addition, there is also evidence to suggest that although the microtubule abnormality is present in oligodendrocytes throughout the taiep CNS, it results in a more marked defect in the myelination of axons of small diameter.

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