
Source rock, reservoir rock and trap formation along the Atlantic margin between offshore Ireland and the northern part of the Mid-Norwegian shelf can be related to repeating tectonic motifs. Interaction of N-S and NE-SW fault and basin trends and NW-SE transfer lineaments is particularly significant. At least some of this structural grain can be related to basement anisotrophy dating back to the late Caledonian or earlier. Using tectonic maps, facies maps and profiles we demonstrate the establishment and exploitation of these structural elements in response to successive extensional episodes will varying stress fields, magmatic episodes and transtension/transpression. The following key tectonic episodes are selected for discussion: Late Caledonian establishment of basement grain; Carboniferous - Triassic extension; Late Jurassic rifting with a dominant E-W extension vector; Cretaceous extension and magmatism with a dominant NW-SE extension vector; Latest Cretaceous-Eocene tectonism, magmatism and break-up; Cenozoic (primarily Oligocene-Miocene) compression/inversion; and Late Cenozoic uplift. The analysis is described with special reference to the new exploration areas offshore Mid-Norway - the More Basin, Voring Basin and Lofoten area. The potential for play analogies and transfer of exploration models along the Atlantic margin trend is particularly emphasised.

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