
A first order survey of 40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital white mica from Jurassic to Pliocene sandstones has been carried out in order to reveal the tectonic evolution of blocks in Central Iran. The Central Iran block was believed to represent a stable Precambrian block. Our results indicate that: (1) Only a very small proportion of Precambrian but abundant Paleozoic and Mesozoic detrital white mica indicate the Phanerozoic, mostly Mesozoic age of metamorphic crust exposed in Central Iran. The oldest but scarce detrital white mica grains have ages ranging from 524 to 826Ma heralding a Late Precambrian and Cambrian crystalline basement or cannibalism from older clastic successions. (2) Jurassic and Cretaceous sandstones from the west and east of the Chapedony fault yield different age spectra, with a dominance of Variscan ages (ca. 308–385Ma) in the Biabanak unit west of the Chapedony fault compared to coeval sandstones from the block east of the Chapedony fault, where Variscan ages are subordinate and Cimmerian ages predominate. The micas from the Biabanak unit are most likely derived from the Variscan accretionary complex exposed in the Anarak–Jandaq areas further northwest. This result underlines the importance of a major block boundary identified as the Chapedony fault, which is in extension of a fault previously proposed. (3) Two stages of Cimmerian events are visible in our data set from Cretaceous and Paleogene sandstones, a cluster around 170Ma and at ca. 205Ma. These clusters suggest a two-stage Cimmerian evolution of the largely amphibolite-grade metamorphic Posht-e-Badam and Boneh Shurow complexes. (4) The youngest micas in Paleogene conglomerates have an age of ca. 100Ma and are most likely derived from the base of the Posht-e-Badam complex. No record of the uplifted Eocene Chapedony metamorphic core complex has been found in Eocene and Pliocene clastic rocks.

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