
The article describes features of the formation of future teachers’ information culture. The relevance of the development, implementation and maintenance of the technology of forming process of information culture of future teachers is substantiated. Different views of scientists on the definitions of “information culture of a person”, “technology” are considered. The main components of information culture are highlighted: computer literacy, information competence, information reflection, information culture creation. The constituent elements of pedagogical technology are listed, which is represented by a set of goals and methods aimed at implementing the projected learning process and is presented by a phased implementation plan. The main characteristics of a technology for the formation of information culture of a future educator are revealed and disclosed. The article describes the results of experimental work to identify the current level of formation of information culture of future teachers. Comparative results of the data obtained during the control experiment testify to the effectiveness of the probed technology and the readiness to use information technologies in professional activities.


  • At the present stage of the development of society, in the conditions of reforming and improving the system of higher pedagogical education in Russia, it becomes necessary to actively search for new reserves of high-quality training of specialists capable of developed professional improvement in accordance with the requirements of a specific professional orientation

  • – goal setting should be focused on the final result; – educational process must represent the algorithm of actions of the participants; – monitoring should be carried out to compare planned and acquired results; – technology adjustment should be done at any stage

  • The development and use of pedagogical technologies in the educational process of higher educational organizations contributes to the planning of a teacher's work, setting goals and determining the trajectory of formation, that is, the management of the learning process

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A problem statement

At the present stage of the development of society, in the conditions of reforming and improving the system of higher pedagogical education in Russia, it becomes necessary to actively search for new reserves of high-quality training of specialists capable of developed professional improvement in accordance with the requirements of a specific professional orientation. The formation of information culture of future teachers requires the development of a specific technology as well as theoretical. The need to develop such a technology and the relevance of its implementation in the educational process of a higher educational organization is determined by a number of external processes that occur in society and affect the professional training of specialists. This is an awareness of the fundamental role of information in society, a colossal increase in the volume of information, the development of information technologies, the formation of an information community and information culture

The objective of the work
Results of the research
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