
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have being used in many fields like ocean and wildlife monitoring, manufacturing machinery performance monitoring, building safety and earthquake monitoring, military applications and health related applications. The harsh and unattended deployment of these networks along with that in wireless sensor networks each node has limited energy, computation and storage space makes they are more vulnerable to attacks than wired networks. . It is a critical challenge to present the effective and lightweight security protocol to prevent various attacks for WSN, especially for the denial of service (DOS) attack. However, the adversaries can compromise some sensors and launch the DoS attack by replaying redundant messages or making overdose of fake messages. Under this situation, DoS attack breaks off the wireless communication channel and causes either unintentionally in the form of interference, noise or collision between the block the communication bandwidth, which makes the network not work well even fail down. In this paper we design message observation and common key authentication mechanisms by which cluster head (CH) as well as any other sensor nodes in network can able to identify the communicating node is an attacker node or not and isolate that attacker node. This approach is efficiently, detect and avoids Dos attack completely. Keywords-Wireless Sensor Networks, Denial of service attacks, Security ---------------------------------------------------------------------***-----------------------------------------------------------------

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