
Background: One of the challenges in pedagogical practice in science in the initial years of elementary school (EF) is focused on developing objects of knowledge with an emphasis on scientific literacy. Objective: To investigate how the pedagogical practices of teachers of the 1st and 2nd grades of the elementary school contribute to promoting access and the development of scientific knowledge to educate a scientifically literate individual. Design: Ethnographic case study, through triangulation of data in a qualitative research perspective. Setting and Participants: Seven basic education women teachers who work in three different schools in the municipality of Vera Cruz/RS participated. Data collection: Observation and description in a logbook, questionnaires and interviews with teachers, as well as one student’s notebook and the official school document (Pedagogical Political Project). Results: The promotion of subsidies for access and mediation of scientific knowledge in teaching actions, although a significant portion of teachers has little corroborated the education of a scientifically literate individual. Conclusions: There must be actions aimed at continuing teacher education to favour significant school environment changes.

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