
Rev. Henry Wood, Chaplain of U. S. flag-ship “Powhatan”, taught English and some other subjects to nine interpreters at Nagasaki for 2 whole months of September and October, 1858. His teaching was a success: the students, who had already had certain knowledge of English, made proficiency in the studies. In the course of the teaching activities, Rev. Wood was able to find opportunities of telling his students about Christianity. The series of his letters to New York Journal of Commerce, quoted in Spirit of Missions, describe his experiences in detail, which are quite rare, valuable and interesting specimens of English teaching and learning at dawn in Japan.The sincere efforts made by Key. Wood in teaching English secured the confidence of the Governor of Nagasaki as well as the confidence, respect and affection of his students. This led Rev. Wood to believe that it would be possible for a missionary, who would come to Japan as a teacher of English, to transmit the truth of Christianity to the Japanese even under its prohibition. This was actually a confirmation of the statement on introducing Christianity to Japan made by Capt. A. H. Foote of U. S. ship “Portsmouth”, who visited Shimoda and Hakodate in 1857.Dr. S. W. Williams, a Presbyterian, and Rev. E. W. Syle of the Protestant Episcopal Church, who visited Nagasaki at that time on U. S. ship “Minnesota” with the aim of ascertaining the possibility of implanting Christianity in Japan, heard from Rev. Wood about his teaching experiences, and wrote to the Mission Boards suggesting early establishment of mission stations in Japan.The friendly feelings of the Governor and the authorities at Nagasaki toward Americans created by Rev. Wood's labors worked favorably for the first missionaries to come to Nagasaki.Teaching English to the Japanese became one of the major activities of the early missionaries, whose great contribution to the civilization of Japan has been highly appreciated.

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