
This study aims to determine the levels of status of the roles of the teachers and behavior of the students in English online distance learning during the first and second grading periods of the school year 2020-2021. There are ninety-five (95) students who participated in the study. The instrument used to gather data was the questionnaire. Employing the descriptive survey method of research, the teachers’ roles are examined into three categories. These categories are teachers’ affective roles, teachers’ planner roles, and teachers’ managerial roles during the English online distance learning. The roles have 10-item descriptors to describe the online distance learning teachers. The students’ behavior is examined into three categories, too. These categories are students’ behavior when reading, students’ behavior when writing, and students’ behavior when viewing and listening during their English online distance learning classes. Each role has 10-item descriptors to describe the behavior of the students. This study hypothesized that there is no significant relationship of the teachers’ roles and the students’ behavior in English online distance learning during the first and second grading periods of the school year 2020-2021. To test the significant relationship between the teachers’ roles and students’ behavior, correlation analysis is used.

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