
In recent years, the subject of creative thinking has taken a central place in the various areas of life promoting these important areas by proposing innovative ideas and solutions. In a special way, the issue of creative thinking in the field of education has recently been found as a central issue, putting it in the central of many curriculums and calling for its cultivation among students. A major reason for that is that the world that has become dynamic and is changing rapidly in recent years, especially thanks to the rapidly advancing technology that affects all areas of our lives, educational, economic, social, political and others. So much so, in many educational systems, they started talking about preparing the learner for the unknown future. Since creative thinking is thinking that breaks rules and norms, it allows seeing or creating unknown connections between different components, thus enabling the creation of new and unknown ideas and solutions that will help the learner to successfully deal with everyday problems and promote himself successfully in all areas of life. As a result of what was said about the importance of creative thinking and the importance of cultivating it, a comprehensive study was carried out that examined the perception of science and technology teachers in Arab elementary schools in Israel on seven key dimensions in the context of creative thinking. The number of teachers who participated is 313 which cover the variables: age, seniority in teaching, academic degree, and geographical distribution of residences. A central dimension was the teachers' perception of the factors that foster creative thinking. A central reason for examining the teachers' perception is that the teachers and not others are the ones who carry out the teaching, learning and assessment processes in the school, they are the actual mediators between theory and application, so that the cultivation of creative thinking depends to a large extent on their way of activity. In addition, the teachers' perception was examined among science and technology teachers since the field of science and technology is found according to much research literature as a field with a high capacity for cultivating creative thinking. This article presents findings, conclusions and recommendations that arise in terms of the dimension of the teachers' perception of the factors that foster creative thinking. The article presents a picture in which the teachers' perception of the factors that foster creative thinking is in high agreement with what is said about these factors in the research literature, even if there is no research based on the teachers' perception, this is when the summary of this perception is that significant changes are required in most factors of school activity in order to cultivate creative thinking of the students, in methods, tools and environments of teaching, learning and assessment, the willingness of teachers to teach creative thinking and readiness for taking risks on the part of the teachers and students.

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