
I hear have a good school Mrs. Johnson is concerned with the school system in East Pinecone because Mr. Johnson has been transferred to a branch of American Spaceships, Incorporated in the Pinecone area. Mrs. Swanson agrees not only that East Pinecone has a good school system but the only good system within four counties. For the moment let us pass over the evaluative criteria employed by Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Swanson in determining the quality of a school system. The fact of the matter is that Mrs. Swanson's judgment is based on the highest authority, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ronson, whose nephew attended East Pinecone Junior High School. Mrs. Johnson's authority is not quite as specifically identified-her opinion is based on what say, and it would obviously be rash for anyone to question what they say. The point here, however, is that the school system represents a significant criterion in the mobile American family's selection of a place of residence. Mrs. Johnson is not satisfied with a newspaper ad's description of a house which is near churches and schools; she wants to make sure that the near-by school is part of a good school system. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Johnson's good-school-system criterion triumphs over Mr. Johnson's preference for a home which is as close as possible to the branch office of Amspsh, Inc. to which he has been assigned, to the extent that Mr. J. may have to commute some twenty to forty miles a day if Mrs. J's research has not convinced her of the superiority of the Pinecone schools, but rather that of the system in Spruceville. Susan Smith is about to graduate from State Teachers College, where she achieved a fair degree of success as a promising member of the profession. Interview time is here-the bulletin-board announces the forthcoming visit to the campus of representatives of a dozen major and minor school systems in the area. Please sign your name in the office if you wish to be considered for a position in any of the schools

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