
There was a time, not so long ago, when the "notables" of towns and villages, not the teachers, were the models of society.
 Doctors, priests, notaries and lawyers (and yes, lawyers too!) Enjoyed a certain prestige among those around them and they were expected to "give the example" of values ​​of time.
 This time is now over. The "notables" of yesterday are now people who, like everyone else, work to make a living. As a rule, society no longer recognizes the prestige formerly accorded to those who practiced a "liberal profession" and no longer expects them to adopt exemplary behavior.
 Teacher training is a still problematic subject in the plans for the reform of education systems. The major importance of this issue is manifested in a tendency to provoke debates at the international level, which relate to the links between the qualification of teachers and the results of school 9 systems.

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