
We show that the classical Kuga–Satake construction gives rise, away from characteristic $$2$$ , to an open immersion from the moduli of primitively polarized K3 surfaces (of any fixed degree) to a certain regular integral model for a Shimura variety of orthogonal type. This allows us to attach to every polarized K3 surface in odd characteristic an abelian variety such that divisors on the surface can be identified with certain endomorphisms of the attached abelian variety. In turn, this reduces the Tate conjecture for K3 surfaces over finitely generated fields of odd characteristic to a version of the Tate conjecture for certain endomorphisms on the attached Kuga–Satake abelian variety, which we prove. As a by-product of our methods, we also show that the moduli stack of primitively polarized K3 surfaces of degree $$2d$$ is quasi-projective and, when $$d$$ is not divisible by $$p^2$$ , is geometrically irreducible in characteristic $$p$$ . We indicate how the same method applies to prove the Tate conjecture for co-dimension $$2$$ cycles on cubic fourfolds.

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