
If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect woodand don't assign them tasks and work but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.___Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900–1944)___The basic law of the seaway is the apparent lack of any law.___Lord Rayleigh___Based on the wave focusing technique for the generation of task-related wave packets, a new technique is proposed for the synthesization of tailored design wave sequences in extreme seas. The physical wave field is fitted to predetermined global and local target characteristics designed in terms of significant wave height, peak period, as well as wave height, crest height, and period of individual waves. The generation procedure is based on two steps: First, a linear approximation of the desired wave train is computed by a sequential quadratic programming method that optimizes an initially random phase spectrum for a given variance spectrum. The wave board motion derived from this initial guess serves as a starting point for directly fitting the physical wave train to the target parameters. The subplex method is applied to improve systematically a certain time frame of the wave board motion, which is responsible for the evolution of the response-related design wave sequence. The discrete wavelet transform is introduced to reduce significantly the number of free variables to be considered in the fitting process. Wavelet analysis allows the efficient localization of the relevant information on the electrical control signal of the wave maker in time and frequency domain. As the presented technique permits the deterministic generation of design rogue wave sequences in extreme seas, it is well suited for investigating the mechanism of arbitrary wave-structure interactions, including capsizing, slamming, and green water as well as other survivability design aspects. Even worst case wave sequences, such as the Draupner New Year wave, can be modeled in the wave tank to analyze the evolution of these events and to evaluate the response of offshore structures under abnormal conditions. This procedure is illustrated by investigations of an offshore lift operation, of the behavior of a semisubmersible and an FPSO in tailored freak waves as well as the analysis of ship capsizing in deterministic wave sequences at selected target positions.

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