
There is scant detailed information regarding the tabatière anatomique (anatomical snuff box) in the literature. The authors dissected this area in 15 adult cadavers (30 sides) and made measurements and observations of this region. We found that the average mean width and length of this geometric area was 4 cm and 6 cm, respectively. Although the dimensions of the tabatière anatomique tended to be larger among male specimens this trend did not reach statistical significance (P > 0.05). There was no statistical difference between left and right sides. The majority (70%) of specimens was noted to have connections between the cephalic vein and the vena comitantes of the radial artery within the tabatière anatomique. Five specimens were noted to have a muscular branch to the abductor pollicis brevis muscle arising from the dorsalis pollicis artery in the tabatière anatomique. The dorsalis pollicis artery was found to originate in the tabatière anatomique in all specimens. One right-sided specimen was noted to have an intraosseous branch of the radial artery that entered the styloid process of the radius. A well-formed collection of fat was noted between the styloid process and base of the first metacarpal in all specimens. This fat pad completely covered the radial artery in the majority of specimens and had loose connections to both the first and second dorsal compartments. The branches of the superficial branch of the radial nerve always originated distal to the tendon of the EPB muscle. These data may prove useful to the surgeon or clinician who operates or examines this interesting anatomical area.

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