
We construct a 3-3-1 model based on non-Abelian discrete symmetry T 7 responsible for the fermion masses. Neutrinos get masses from only anti-sextets which are in triplets $ \underline{3} $ and $ {{\underline{3}}^{*}} $ under T 7. The flavor mixing patterns and mass splitting are obtained without perturbation. The tribimaximal form obtained with the breaking T 7 → Z 3 in charged lepton sector and both T 7 → Z 3 and Z 3 → {Identity} must be taken place in neutrino sector but only apart in breakings Z 3 → {Identity} (without contribution of σ ′), and the upper bound on neutrino mass $ \sum {_{i=1}^3} $ mi at the level is presented. The Dirac CP violation phase δ is predicted to either $ \frac{\pi }{2} $ or $ \frac{{3\pi }}{2} $ which is maximal CP violation. From the Dirac CP violation phase we obtain the relation between Euler’s angles which is consistent with the experimental in PDG 2012. On the other hand, the realistic lepton mixing can be obtained if both the direction for breakings T 7 → Z 3 and Z 3 → {Identity} are taken place in neutrino sectors. The CKM matrix is the identity matrix at the tree-level.


  • We construct a 3-3-1 model based on non-Abelian discrete symmetry T7 responsible for the fermion masses

  • The flavor mixing patterns and mass splitting are obtained without perturbation

  • The tribimaximal form obtained with the breaking T7 → Z3 in charged lepton sector and both T7 → Z3 and Z3 → {Identity} must be taken place in neutrino sector but only apart in breakings Z3 → {Identity}, and the upper bound on neutrino mass

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Fermion content

The gauge symmetry is based on SU(3)C ⊗ SU(3)L ⊗ U(1)X , where the electroweak factor SU(3)L ⊗ U(1)X is extended from those of the Standard Model (SM), and the strong interaction sector is retained. It is better to work with a new conserved charge L commuting with the gauge symmetry and related to the ordinary lepton number by diagonal matrices [164–167, 169]. The lepton charge arranged in this way, i.e. L(NR) = 0, is in order to prevent unwanted interactions due to U(1)L symmetry and breaking due to the lepton parity to obtain the consistent lepton and quark spectra. By this embedding, exotic quarks U, D as well as new non-Hermitian gauge bosons X0, Y ± possess lepton charges as of the ordinary leptons: L(D) = −L(U ) = L(X0) = L(Y −) = 1. The scalar multiplets needed for the purpose are introduced

Charged lepton masses
Quark masses
Neutrino mass and mixing
A T7 group and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
B The numbers
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