
A large, edrioasteroid-bearing hardground surface from the base of the Bellevue Member of the Grant Lake Formation near Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky is described. Four species are represented includingStreptaster vorticellatus(Hall),Carneyella ulrichiBassler and Shideler,Carneyella pilea(Hall), andCurvitriordo steckin. sp. Specimens ofS. vorticellatusandC. pileaadd little to the known morphologies of these species. However, prior to this studyC. ulrichiwas known from the unique holotype, andCurvitriordo steckin. sp. adds greatly to out understanding ofCurvitriordowhich was previously known from two species comprising three poorly preserved specimens.Curvitriordo steckishows a bimodal size frequency distribution suggesting seasonal breeding whereasCarneyella ulrichishows a left skewed size frequency suggesting low juvenile mortality.Streptaster vorticellatusshows a tight unimodal size frequency distribution suggestive of a single spat fall accumulation.

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