
The world's fastest-growing major illness is diabetes mellitus. It's a metabolic illness that could lead to an insufficiency or malfunction in the production of insulin. Many of the Samhitas contain detailed descriptions of Madhumeha. Diabetic neuropathy is most common complication of Diabetes, approximately 50% of patients with diabetes eventually develop neuropathy. Symptoms of diabetic neuropathy not directly mentioned in Ayurveda but symptoms like Suptata, Chumchumayan, Karpada Daha, seen in Prameha either in Prameha prodomal stage, exhibition stage or in complication stage. As Samprapti of diabetic neuropathy not clearly mentioned in Samhitas so, after reviewing different Samhitas, a Samprapti has been suggested with possible management of Diabetic neuropathy in Ayurveda i.e., Shodhan and Samana Chikitsa and mode of action of Shodhan Chikitsa.

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