
Problem statement. Heat supply systems are one of the essential systems for life support. Heat production and consumption require a rational approach, which implies fulfilling the demand with minimal use of resources. In that case, the science-technical and practical demand for increasing the energy efficiency of the country's heat supply systems for the economy is evident, especially in post-war restoration. Ukrainian systems of heat supply have multiple unique features and issues, meaning solving this demand will require the analysis of the actual state of the country's heat supply system. The purpose of the article − to collect and analyze the info regarding the existing heat supply system issues, as well as detect the most crucial issues for increasing the systems’ energy efficiency and further research for optimal solutions. Conclusions. The general problem with the current stage of heat supply system development in Ukraine is defined, as well as the requirement for optimal use of centralized systems and smart decentralization of the heat supply. The relevance of such a formulation not only for Ukraine is confirmed by information analysis on the directions of development of heating systems in other countries. The relevance of this definition (not just for Ukraine) is proven by informational analysis regarding vectors of other countries' heat supply systems development. The complex block scheme of existing heat supply systems issues is provided. It can be used to provide a systematic approach to solving these issues, which will positively influence its efficiency. The collected analysis results are recommended for defining the research vectors and ways to improve the heat supply systems to increase their efficiency.

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