
In the article there is considered the substantiation of raise demands to the chemical composition of children’s food and indices of their safety, with taking into account the immaturity of metabolic and physiological processes and limitations of “depot” of nutrients in babies. Based on research results of leading experts in the field of children’s nutritiology and according to the recommendations of the Codex Alimentarius of the Commission of FAO/WHO, ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition, the EFSA recommendations and EUDirectives there were specified requirements for the ingredient composition, content of essential components and indices of the nutritional value of substitutes for human milk and functional products for the nutrition of infants of the first year of life. There are shown stages of the development of the Russian system of hygienic requirements for baby food, and the direction of its harmonization with international and European standards, particularly for substitutes for human milk and products of dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition for babies. There are considered aspects of the introduction ofproducts and weaning food dishes into the food ration of infants. There is presented the classification ofproducts of children’s food and the assortment of each group of weaning foods. There is provided the modern legislative framework in the field of the quality and safety for infant nutrition. There was shown the difference between domestic legislation and regulatory framework of the EurAsEC Customs Union of the European countries in the field offood products safety for children older three years. There are presented proposals on the creation of the single regulatory base within the framework of the EurAsEC Customs Union for control the quality and safety of all the baby foods.

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