
There is no doubt that the evaluation system should be an integral part of the management of any sphere. However, in the context of this study, the actuality is exacerbated by the fact that children are one of the most vulnerable strata of Ukrainian society. Insufficient attention to problematic issues in this area entails consequences for each child as well as for society as a whole. evidence of the priority of this direction of state policy is the participation of the state in a number of international documents in this area, which include the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the agreements within the framework of the Council of Europe and the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights, Convention on contact with children, etc. Despite the declared principles and high level of financing, there are no noticeable changes. Consequently, it is considered necessary to introduce into the management the evaluation system, which will answer a number of questions: Have the planned results been achieved? How positive were the assumptions about the results of the policy / program / project? How effective, productive and sustainable are the changes? Evaluating the results of the policy / program / project gives feedback on the achievement of the policy / program / project objectives and objectives. In the context of the research it is impossible not to take into account the features of the service sphere, which include the following: the object of evaluation is the activities of the organization providing the service; the complexity of the numerical expression of the quality of services; the consumer of the service itself acts as a participant in the process of rendering the service; therefore, the quality must meet its expectations; services are not stored, they are realized in the process of contact with the consumer.On the other hand, the peculiarities of the sphere of children’s rights protection should also be taken into account, as it is impossible to assess the degree of satisfaction of needs, which is one of the important indicators in assessing the effectiveness of public services. This is due to the fact that children do not represent real consumers, that is, those who decide for themselves, need help or not, should be arranged in the residential institution or not, what requirements for the services provided to them and t. The National Strategy for the Reform of the Institutional Care and the Rearing of Children for 2017-2026 is intended to promote the development of a system for protecting children’s rights under the new principles. Among other things, the document provides the basis for applying evaluation as one of the key points in achieving the goals set in the Strategy. First, the Strategy contains elements of the preliminary assessment, which is carried out before the implementation of the program documents, and creates the preconditions for conducting qualitative evaluation at subsequent stages. In particular, the document discloses existing problems, describes the institutional structure, identifies the indicators, including the number of children in institutions of institutional care and upbringing of children, the percentage of children who have orphan status or a child deprived of parental care, the number of children, who have a disability, etc.Secondly, the Strategy contains a basis for evaluating the effectiveness. In particular, the Action Plan for the implementation of Stage I of the Strategy defines the measures responsible for implementation, terms of implementation and indicators. Indicators include: the number of children covered by inclusive education; the number of orphans provided with housing, children deprived of parental care; the number of children who are raised in institutions of institutional care and upbringing of children, etc.Thirdly, the Strategy contains data on the expected results, which include: the suspension of placement by the year 2020 of children up to three years of age prior to institutional care and upbringing; the termination by 2026 of activity of all types of institutional care institutions and the upbringing of children in which more than 15 pupils live; providing children and families with children with access to services according to their needs in each territorial community, etc.To date, the establishment of a regional Register of children of institutional care and education institutions (electronic database) has been started, which will provide an opportunity to receive updated data on the number of pupils in institutions and their needs in terms of settlements and to plan content and volume support services for children returning from institutional institutions to the community and their families.

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