
Introduction. The work studies the system of county administration on the territory of the Komi Region at the end of the XVII – first half of the XVIII century. This period was characterized by significant transformations based on changing the system of public administration from voivodeship- clerical into collegiate. It was actively implemented in the highest and central authorities, not only changing the document management system, but also forming a new state apparatus. The situation was different in the county voivodeship offices, such as, the voivodeship office in Komi Region. Materials and Methods. The main research methods were system-structural, historical, formal-legal, etc., which became basic in the analysis of published and unpublished documents. Results and Discussion. As shown by the study of published and unpublished documents on the territory of the Komi Region (Yarensky uyezd), populated with black-collar and later state peasantry, there was no transition from the voivodeship – clerical to the collegiate system of management and office management at the time under study. The collegiate model of public administration, formulated in the new administrative legislation, could not displace the Voivodeship model. The clerical system evolved according to its own laws and demonstrated viability, and the collegiate system was forced to adapt to the requirements of the reforming tsar. This was especially evident when the county office carried out the document management. Conclusion. Carrying out the reforms of the beginning of the XVIII century, the authorities on the county level could not organize the transformation of the clerical service and management and was not ready for changes. As a result, the clerical office work was maintained along with the collegiate one. Collegiate office work was actively introduced and developed in the central office. On the ground, for example, the Yarensky uyezd, clerical office work continued to be preserved, and collegiate one became dominant only by the middle of the XVIII century.


  • The work studies the system of county administration on the territory of the Komi Region at the end of the XVII – first half of the XVIII century

  • This period was characterized by significant transformations based on changing the system of public administration from voivodeship- clerical into collegiate

  • The situation was different in the county voivodeship offices, such as, the voivodeship office in Komi Region

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Анна Капитоновна Гагиева

Коми республиканская академия государственной службы и управления, Сыктывкар, Россия. Работа посвящена исследованию системы уездного управления на территории Коми края в конце XVII – первой половине XVIII в. В этот период в стране происходили грандиозные преобразования, в основе которых лежало изменение системы государственного управления с воеводско-приказной на коллежскую. Как показал анализ опубликованных и неопубликованных документов, на территории Коми края (Яренский уезд), где проживало черносошное, а позднее государственное крестьянство, в изучаемое время переход от воеводско-приказной к коллежской системе управления и делопроизводства не произошел. Например в Яренском уезде Коми края, сохранялось приказное делопроизводство, а коллежское стало доминирующим лишь к середине XVIII в. К. Система уездного управления в Коми крае в конце XVII – первой половине XVIII в. Данная работа является первым опы­ том изучения истории государственного управления в исследуемое время в одном из финно­угорских регионов страны. Для ее достижения решались следу­ ющие задачи: определить состав долж­ ностных лиц, их функции и регламенты, представить систему документационного управления, отчетность и контроль

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